Our Best Jackett
Our Best Jackett
Newsletter #(New) 52: Tonight's Livestream Q&A!!

Newsletter #(New) 52: Tonight's Livestream Q&A!!

Info on the annual subscriber Discord livestream Q&A, We Have Demons #1, and more!

Hey guys, it's Scott.

It's Wednesday, and I’m very excited about tonight! We’re doing our very first livestream for annual subscribers to Our Best Jacket—there's still time to sign up and get a membership, it will include all of the classes that we've done so far for Comic Writing 101. Everything is archived for you on video and, obviously, access to all the upcoming classes, plus getting one of your books signed free as long as you pay for shipping. All the benefits of being a paid subscriber are yours, plus the four livestreams that we're going to do over the course of the year for annual tier members. And again, tonight's the first one, it's on Discord. So if you don't have a Discord account, go sign up. It's gonna be a lot of fun, I'm going to answer anything you want, and in the future we'll have some guests coming by. It's going to be like a big party. I want it to be something that you feel you can ask me anything and we can talk honestly about work, about the industry, nothing off limits. So, go for it!

Also, thank you guys so much for filling up our seats at the Black Jackett Club, the founder’s tier. I can't wait to get that started and to start giving you all kinds of special stuff for it. And the numbers on Nocterra #8 were fantastic for FOC, thank you so much! We're so glad that you're enjoying the series. I just handed in issue #10 and I genuinely think these are our best ones so far. So, I can't wait for you to see all the twisted shit coming up!

Also, Dark Horse is publishing We Have Demons as single issues. They're doing all three issues in a special format with extra new backmatter like the scripts and designs, all kinds of really cool stuff to make the print something different than the digital. So, again, if you haven't signed up for comiXology Unlimited, please do. You can browse and borrow all of the issues of We Have Demons, Clear, Night of the Ghoul, we start Canary and Barnstormers and Dudley Datson in the spring, and you'll get all of that for the price of just one comic a month. And then, go support your local shops, your retailers, buy the books in print. If you love them, get them as collectibles. Read them, enjoy them, they have, again, all kinds of extra stuff in them. We also have variant covers for the issues. Every Best Jackett artist has done one, so everyone from Tony on Nocterra to Greg Capullo doing an extra one to Tula Lotay and Dan Panosian, Jamal Igle, Jock, Rafael Albuquerque, Francis Manapul, and Francesco Francavilla.

So, we have tons of cool variant covers, pick your favorite. Again, support your local shop and support this system. And I really believe in this, I believe in having comiXology as a giant hub to be able to browse and have a subscription-based service where you can explore all kinds of comics, classics and new voices, that they support and then go buy things at your shop that you love for your shelf. It's how my kids shop. I've said it before, but I believe in it deeply. So, I hope you'll support the print as well as the digital because we're really, really proud of everything.

And on a personal level, it's funny, my kid who just turned 15, as I told you, and was just Quinn's age when I broke into comics and gotten my first Batman gig—he wants to go see The Batman together. It will be the first Batman movie, I think, that we'll see in the theater together. I mean, we saw Justice League, but I mean, the first Batman proper movie that we will be seeing in the theater together that’s solo Batman.

He was too young to go see the Nolan movies, so I'm excited. It's going to be weird. He's very excited to go and we will probably rent out a theater and take his friends because it's super cheap to do that out here and we’ll it a little party. And I can't tell how I'm gonna feel. I always am excited by a new take on the Dark Knight. I want it to be something that changes the game and doesn't play it safe. I always want something upsetting and interesting and that’s true to core but radically different. All signs point to that with this one. I love Matt Reeves, I think he's brilliant. So, I can't wait.

And thank you guys again for subscribing to this! I'm really excited again to talk to you face to face tonight with the livestream. So, please, please, if you're not a paid subscriber annually, sign up so you can come ask questions and we can connect. Thanks!

Our Best Jackett
Our Best Jackett
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