Our Best Jackett
Our Best Jackett
Newsletter #55: Whatever Happened to the (Writer of the) Caped Crusader?

Newsletter #55: Whatever Happened to the (Writer of the) Caped Crusader?

Some fond memories in commemoration of tonight's The Batman premiere

Hey guys, it's Scott.

I am upstate at the Otesaga Hotel outside the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. It is amazing here. It is freezing cold and there's no one here and it's like The Shining², which is amazing because Quinn just runs up and down the halls yelling hello and nobody cares.

But it was an amazing trip, much needed. And I just wanted to thank you, before I get into it, for showing so much support for We have Demons #1. we had FOC, as you all know because I've been annoyingly obnoxious about trying to get everybody to order it yesterday, and we exceeded our expectations. It means that we'll have a lot better chance of being flexible with formats with other books we're doing through comiXology and Dark Horse, I think. So, we're really thrilled and I can't thank you enough. Best fans in the world, always.

And some small things of business—Nocterra #8 comes out tomorrow. I'm really proud of this arc, Pedal to the Metal. Our advanced reader reviews and stuff have been great. I'm really, really excited to hear what you guys think of it. I hope you'll check it out. It brings everything together that we've been building towards. I honestly think #8 through 11 are the best that we've ever done. So, I'm really eager to get your opinion tomorrow. Please take a look if you can and let us know! It's out from Image Comics and it's me, Tony Daniel and Marcelo Maiolo on art, and Derron Bennett on letters.

Cover A & C: Tony S. Daniel & Marcelo Maiolo; Cover B: Dustin Nguyen

So, we came up here to the Baseball Hall of Fame to get away because our 10 year-old Emmett has become obsessed with baseball. And he's one of those kids that just gets into things in that voluminous, fixated way where he'll just absorb every piece of information. Like, when he was into Pokémon. It was just everything Pokémon for a year. And he knew every stat and every creature and everything. And when he was into the cosmos and space, it was like everything was space. And when he was into Zelda: Breath of the Wild, it was every possible mask and helmet and outfit. And I get into everything with him, I enjoy following him down these crazy rabbit holes. And then he was super into Cuphead and Bendy and the Ink Machine and all kinds of games, and then retro animation. And now baseball is a whole country he is exploring himself. And he knows the stats of every top player over the last decade, and he has made a lot of friends and impressed a lot of people here with his enthusiasm and his boundless exuberance and dedication at this point to baseball.

The Snyder boys at the Baseball Hall of Fame

And yeah, it was interesting being up here because tonight is the premiere of The Batman, and I'm really excited about it! Matt Reeves has been very kind about our run on Batman and so is Robert Pattinson, which my wife is always thrilled with (she had a crush on him all the way back in the Twilight days). But it got me thinking about the relationship between premieres and creators and all of that. And I've been to pretty much all the DC movies since I started there. The first one, I think, was Man of Steel. And it was one of my favorite ones because it was the first time I ever got to get dressed up and go to a movie and they bused us to the theater. And this was back when DC was still pretty much in New York, if I remember correctly. But they bused us all to the theater and everybody was dressed fancy. And we're all basement-dwelling creatures, so to see everyone polished up and to get to see all these amazing legacy creators there from Dan Jurgens on was just amazing. And we got to see the movie, and Henry Cavill and Kevin Costner and everybody was there. It was amazing.

The best photo I could get of the Man of Steel premiere

And afterwards, I remember we went to this super fancy industrial bar place, and the whole company and the movie stars were there. And they had people playing the Hans Zimmer score on a stage, like a real band. And it was open bar, it was amazing. And I'm standing with my wife, and all of a sudden Henry Cavill walked in. And he was coming through the crowd and they had this light on him. And I remember saying to my wife, “that's so hokey putting a spotlight on him everywhere he goes to show off that he's here.” And she was like, “there's no light…” And I looked, and there wasn't. He was just that handsome that he just glowed and had this incredible beacon of a presence.

And he was incredibly kind! I introduced myself when he came over by our table and he was very sweet, as everybody has been. I mean, Jason Momoa was amazing. He wanted to hear all of our Aquaman tales when we did Drowned Earth, and he loved it. He was laughing and incredibly sweet about it. Ben Affleck was great when I met him when they were doing Justice League at San Diego Comic Con and he was really nice. I met him with Jamie Capullo and the two of us had a blast talking to him. He was enthusiastic and he knew our stuff and everything. And it's funny because Greg never goes to meet movie stars, he never cares. But Jamie, his wife, and I were all giddy. And it's a wonderful thing, I got to see Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman and Justice League and all of it.

Me and Jamie Capullo with Ben Affleck. He was the bomb in Phantoms!

And to be invited to The Batman also is just a thrill. I feel badly I can't make it. I'm excited that so many of my friends are going, James Tynion IV and others. I don't want to blow up anybody's schedule or whatever in case they decide they're not going. And I can't wait to see it. I know it's gonna be great, I've heard fantastic things, and I have full faith in those filmmakers. So if you can, pick up Nocterra, go see The Batman, and I'm going to be back Thursday with a post for paid subscribers that's kind of a double one, because I missed last week. So, I'm gonna go through my portfolio that I had as a kid artist and talk about going to cons and I'm also going to dive into some thinking I had about using your childhood nostalgia to make something amazing today. All right, thanks, guys!


P.S. I totally forgot, but when Batman v Superman was coming out, I actually got to meet Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot again at a convention in Long Island and they took us backstage to say hello really quickly. And I was with my family, I was with Jack and Emmett (who was only, like, three or four at the time). They took us backstage to take a picture, and it was before they were going to go out and take pictures with everybody. And it was very quick, and they were all there to take pictures with other people in a staged area. So, they just brought us into that area. And then we came in and everybody got ready, and Gal Gadot came over and was so friendly. And she's striking and gorgeous in this red suit and all of that. And I still remember being, like, “this is Wonder Woman.” And she came over and bent down and started talking to Emmett, and she's like, “hi, how are you?” And he's like, “I can't talk to you, lady. I'm waiting for Wonder Woman.”

The Synder fam with some real-life superheroes

Anyway, I hope you guys are great. Thanks!

Our Best Jackett
Our Best Jackett
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