I don't know how Zdarsky is so freaking productive. I always figured writing comics was a full-time job. Then there's his illustrating for comics, and his his substack writing here. Then there's the newsletter... Meanwhile, today I've just had a bunch of work meetings on Teams and I'm ready to take a nap and daydream about the weekend.

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That Human Torch warms my heart(No Pun Intended). My pops was born in '28 and the Human Torch was his favorite. He's the reason I'm a comics artist. So glad to see him in your hands. I'd love to draw those early Timely guys.

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Absolute Batman is killing it. Scott, iShook Comics Podcast is taking off more & more. If you ever want to be on – DM me on Facebook or something.

As iShook Comics' head writer, Podcast Cohost, Booker of Guests, etc. – I'm rockin' & rollin'. Meanwhile, I'm also still pitching my low-brow, trashy, Adult-Swim-esk, outer space parody comic limited series/series STARCREEP. Ever so often when I've still not heard back from all of the publishers that I sent it out to – I'll send it out to more. As of yesterday it had been submitted to 5 publishers w/ 1 swift "Pass" reply (which I appreciate – cause it's an answer). I reached back out to the other four yesterday (after slightly under a month of waiting). I just sent it out to the 6th publisher today.

There's plenty more in the works. I look forward to reading more of your ABSOLUTE BATMAN series & YOU WON'T FEEL A THING. I'm big on preordering.

*B. L. Blankenship (The Tostitos/Sacred Cow of Indie Comics)

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Zero Year is one of favorite Batman stories of all time, so I can’t wait to see what you guys do for Absolute Batman: Year One.

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Zdarsky Comic News can also be ordered through Lunar (not just Diamond). https://www.lunardistribution.com/home/search?term=Zdarsky+comic+news%5C

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Loving Absolute Batman, keep up the great work 👍🏻

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