Very excited for all of the Absolute books. I haven't felt this excited since the New 52. I can't wait.
This post was a lightbulb moment for me. I need to start sharing the book with folks earlier, even if it's waiting for that final polish (colours or final inks, even). I'm always very open and honest about the whole process end to end, but I'm usually not able to share more than what's already out there for everyone.
Maybe a rethink of the production pipeline is in order so I can get more folks involved earlier.
One of my favorite TedTalks was with Simon Sinek, and it was about "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." I'm a small town, independent concert promoter. I use email lists and social media to explain who I'm booking, why i booked them and why I think people should come. It's just more storytelling, and I'm constantly thanked by the artists for being so open, honesty and thoughtful. Everything in music is about image and I'm over here telling folks that Ska bands rule again.
But it's just like you said. It's all about honesty and it really resonates with people. You also have to do The Work, but if you do it honestly, you get some fantastic and surprising results.
Thanks for reinforcing my philosophy and thank you for all you do to elevate the creative arts and comics. ❤️
brilliant words of wisdom scott im so inspired to get back to writing. i met you at midtown recently and you have no idea how the small interaction has impacted my life. thank you for all that you do. Absolute Batman fucking rules you should be so proud All In is going to change everything for the better and thats not without your leadership and passion
Thank you for the insight! I always love hearing you talk about this, it's fascinating. Very excited for all the new Absolute books!
If you were ever interested or available I would love to have you on my podcast, Joe Talks Comics, to talk about this at some point. No worries if not, I just wanted to offer as I adore your work, thank you!
Great post, Scott, and a solid “mission statement” for doing press for a book, at which I think you’re one of the best in the biz. Dig that the emphasis here is on a true and honest representation of what the reader will get from the book rather than a sales pitch optimized for broadest impact. As you say, it builds a trust in the reader that the book will be what you say it is, but also, I think, means they might take a chance on a future book a creator describes that for the reader is not generally “their thing” because of that trust built over time.
Watching the prerelease reaction to ABSOLUTE BATMAN…ALL-IN in general…through a creator lens has been a real education. As you’ve said, readers of ongoing characters can want “same but different” despite the contradiction, but that balance can be different for each reader. Glad to see the excitement around the new series, looking forward to getting into it.
Very excited for all of the Absolute books. I haven't felt this excited since the New 52. I can't wait.
This post was a lightbulb moment for me. I need to start sharing the book with folks earlier, even if it's waiting for that final polish (colours or final inks, even). I'm always very open and honest about the whole process end to end, but I'm usually not able to share more than what's already out there for everyone.
Maybe a rethink of the production pipeline is in order so I can get more folks involved earlier.
One of my favorite TedTalks was with Simon Sinek, and it was about "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." I'm a small town, independent concert promoter. I use email lists and social media to explain who I'm booking, why i booked them and why I think people should come. It's just more storytelling, and I'm constantly thanked by the artists for being so open, honesty and thoughtful. Everything in music is about image and I'm over here telling folks that Ska bands rule again.
But it's just like you said. It's all about honesty and it really resonates with people. You also have to do The Work, but if you do it honestly, you get some fantastic and surprising results.
Thanks for reinforcing my philosophy and thank you for all you do to elevate the creative arts and comics. ❤️
See you in Baltimore
I enjoyed the advice, however as a trying to become a creator in Greece, unfortunately its not that viable for my microcosm. I like the insight though
brilliant words of wisdom scott im so inspired to get back to writing. i met you at midtown recently and you have no idea how the small interaction has impacted my life. thank you for all that you do. Absolute Batman fucking rules you should be so proud All In is going to change everything for the better and thats not without your leadership and passion
Thank you for the insight! I always love hearing you talk about this, it's fascinating. Very excited for all the new Absolute books!
If you were ever interested or available I would love to have you on my podcast, Joe Talks Comics, to talk about this at some point. No worries if not, I just wanted to offer as I adore your work, thank you!
Great post, Scott, and a solid “mission statement” for doing press for a book, at which I think you’re one of the best in the biz. Dig that the emphasis here is on a true and honest representation of what the reader will get from the book rather than a sales pitch optimized for broadest impact. As you say, it builds a trust in the reader that the book will be what you say it is, but also, I think, means they might take a chance on a future book a creator describes that for the reader is not generally “their thing” because of that trust built over time.
Watching the prerelease reaction to ABSOLUTE BATMAN…ALL-IN in general…through a creator lens has been a real education. As you’ve said, readers of ongoing characters can want “same but different” despite the contradiction, but that balance can be different for each reader. Glad to see the excitement around the new series, looking forward to getting into it.
Bookmarking. Thanks.
Great insights!