I love what you said about going to the shops every week. Wednesday’s were always my favorite part of the week. Going to the shop to see my friends and pick up my books always made me feel better whenever I was down.

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I am an old DC fan, and it lights me up to see them embracing what is fun about their comics. Marvel always cornered the market on dark, brooding characters. DC has its roots in unbridled optimism, which appeals more to my nature. I hope they will dive in more on some of their concepts like the Legion, Adam Strange, and even their lesser properties such as Kamandi and Atomic Knights (dark futures make optimism shine more brightly). It would be great to see these concepts done right.

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Wow! You just named all my wish list characters. I wholly concur.

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I love seeing DC be more of what made me love them. Feels like they are on the right track.

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And congratulations on being at this critical and exciting place at DC. I can easily see you spearheading something that is lasting and pervasively cool.

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Hi Scott,

Sorry for the tardy response. I only saw your message today. I love DC. Your idea about a new serial killer book resonates particularly with me, given my interest in forensic psychopathology. Not that any help or assistance would be needed, but if you are interested in some medical collaboration with the storyline I would be more than willing to participate. To see what I have to offer check out House of Giral, paperback, e-version or audiobook. If you would like a free downloadable audiobook code kindly let me know. Cheers and good luck! MLL

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Scott!! Great post! Thrilled that you (& hopefully Ty) had a great SDCC 2024 experience. You had a *busy* schedule, so glad you also made time to catch up with friends & collaborators.

Dig what you said about the weekly comics shop visit. One change I made when Best Jackett started is to get back to hitting my LCS weekly, and you’re right that it changes the experience, and the relationship to the stories…and creators. It all feels more immediate, more now, more direct, and, yes, more exciting.

Also gave me the chance last Wednesday to tell them how excited I am for ABSOLUTE BATMAN. : )

Good luck with recovery and hope you guys are healthy (both Ron Marz and Jim Zub picked up COVID at the con…BOO). Thanks again for everything, looking forward to what’s to come!

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I just barely squeaked into that picture! I didn't know there'd be space on the sides. (Oh well!)

It definitely feels appropriate as SDCC had me feeling a lot more like I'm on the outside looking in. I came home motivated to change that, but there was definitely a bit of a down day as I drove back to LA to fly home.

The Black Jackett Breakfast was one of the few times I felt like I was in the right place and on the right track. Thanks to you and Tyler for getting that all together.

As a fan though, I'm so pumped for DC All-In. It's giving me the same vibe I got when I first got back into comics in the mid-00s after leaving them behind in the late 90s -- or the buzz with the New 52 where I was at the LCS every week. I do miss that feeling and I'm excited to rekindle it.

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So great to see you for a bit at the show, man!

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