May 7·edited May 7

Great newsletter Scott, completely agree, always love your posts, hope you had a great FCBD/Star Wars Day and Quinn had a great birthday!

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Looking forward to FCBD and the upcoming class. So, when's the next book signing for paid subscribers? I haven't seen or heard any updates for a while.

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Nice to hear from you, Scott! Thanks for the post.

Everybody have a great FCBD tomorrow!

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I'm very quickly learning what a small world comics is. To think that the people working at one company or another are tied to their tribe is laughable when you realize that it's really the same handful of people just rotating around.

Happy FCBD to everyone! My old LCS, Stadium Comics in Brampton, Ontario, used to take over the whole mall they were in for FCBD every year. They're online only now, but so many other great LCSs are carrying the tradition on.

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