Is there a place to meet up for the signings?

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I haven’t commented on here yet because I don’t know if Mr. Snyder answers questions besides the AMA stuff or even reads these but I just read issue one of “By a Thread.” I’ll be honest, though I’ve always loved your previous work (in prose, mainstream, and independent) I wasn’t sure what to expect being that was a collaboration with your family- who doesn’t love what their kids create? I have to say I was BLOWN AWAY, best first issue of anything I’ve read in a while. Can’t wait to read #2! I’ve heard you interviews before express admiration for manga and how popular it is. I personally have read a lot more American and bande dessinée style European comics but I have read some manga and I have to ask was BaT influenced by any manga when you and your son were writing it?

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is there a post wit the sun dinner info? just trying to plan my ride post-con. thanks!

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