Is the Thunderman story Alan Moore’s comics broke me story?

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This might be the best post you’ve done in the entire two years in my opinion. I’m a high school history teacher. Thank you so much for these words.

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Scott I just got a contract from a smaller company to make two of my own comics! This helped a lot. I’m working as a full time high school teacher now too and it’s nice to see you were making incredible work while doing that too! Thanks for the honest and clear advice! ❤️

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Thanks for your thoughts on Comics Broke Me. I have refrained from sharing my stories because, I think, I've had it alright overall. Though I definitely drew a whole graphic novel for $5,000 in my younger days. I think 20 years in comics in one form or another nearly burned me out multiple times and I don't have the energy to delve in too deep on the hashtag, as it's just depressing and infuriating. Here's to comics!

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Thanks for sharing this Scott.

Coincidentally, I wrote about the importance of giving yourself time off yesterday.


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Really great advice Scott! I’ve (stupidly) signed two contracts without having a lawyer look over them. Going to take your advice and search for a lawyer for any future contracts (and maybe to take a look at the two signed contracts and give an opinion).

Cheers :)

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