
"I do office hours every week and people sign up. And if you miss out, you can always email me and I try and do them anyway." What email can we reach Scott at for this? I wasn't able to sign up for a spot until February so I would love to get in sooner.

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As a Dad, i thought the story of you falling asleep talking about waves was super charming. I'm sure that was indeed better in the long run than attending the party. I bet your kid valued it.

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Aww awesome, happy new year to you and the whole family! Hope you're all well and that you had a great holiday season.

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Great post. But you do realize that it is January 3rd, not the 2nd? So to clarify, do we have to be in the Founder's Tier to get office hours with you? Or is it available for people who have signed up for the regular yearly membership?

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