
Thanks for answering my question and the good advice. It resonated when I look back at 2022.

For a long time, I've found myself chasing things I thought would be a better path. "I'll try self-publishing novels so that when I get successful there, I can parlay that into stuff I want to do."

Midway this year, I decided to stop waiting for permission. I've got my first Kickstarter for a one-shot comic coming (https://bit.ly/unlimitedudo) in January or February and couldn't be happier.

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Hey Scott - enjoy reading you and your comment about priorities rang true with me - about how having students to guide helps you follow your own true compass. I find it's the same with my collaborators, when it's really working. Happy New Year and best to you on all your new ideas! David https://linktr.ee/QuinnDavid

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That's all so awesome to hear! I'm glad you all had a great Christmas. I absolutely adored that JL run you wrote, collaborating with so many phenomenal artists, it's one of my favourite comics ever so it was really fun and interesting hearing about that!

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