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Comic Writing 102 Class 4 Delayed by a Week (to May 18th)

The blame is on me (and the Yankees) for moving the next 102 class to next Thursday

Hey guys, it’s Scott.

I am a complete idiot. I scheduled class for Thursday night and I forgot that we have tickets to the Yankee game that night, me and my kid. We got a pack of semi-season tickets and that's one of the games, it's against the Rays. I am so, so sorry. Instead, I'm going to do a Q&A with you guys tomorrow through the Discord server (paid subscribers, email us at if you aren’t already on there). I'm excited to do it, that’ll be tomorrow night (Wednesday the 10th) at 9:30.

Then next Thursday the 18th, we'll do a big class on world building. I'll make it up to you guys. I'm so sorry. Again, it was my fault. I'm an idiot. But I'm really looking forward to it!


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