
Comic Writing 102 Class 4 Delayed by a Week (to May 18th)

The blame is on me (and the Yankees) for moving the next 102 class to next Thursday

Hey guys, it’s Scott.

I am a complete idiot. I scheduled class for Thursday night and I forgot that we have tickets to the Yankee game that night, me and my kid. We got a pack of semi-season tickets and that's one of the games, it's against the Rays. I am so, so sorry. Instead, I'm going to do a Q&A with you guys tomorrow through the Discord server (paid subscribers, email us at bestjackettpress@gmail.com if you aren’t already on there). I'm excited to do it, that’ll be tomorrow night (Wednesday the 10th) at 9:30.

Then next Thursday the 18th, we'll do a big class on world building. I'll make it up to you guys. I'm so sorry. Again, it was my fault. I'm an idiot. But I'm really looking forward to it!