Hey guys, it’s Scott.
I hope you all enjoyed our first Comic Writing 102 session! It was so great seeing all of you respond so well to the more in-depth breakdown and analysis we got to do, and I hope I clarified everything in the Q&A section! Getting to look back on one of my first stories through a critical lens was great experience, and one I hope you get to experience yourself during this semester!
For anyone who joined us here for the first time, welcome! We do these classes every month with an occasional Q&A livestream in the meantime. So our next class will likely be sometime early-December, and this will be the first Comic Writing 102 class where we look at YOUR submissions! Any paid subscriber is eligible to submit their work so long as they sign the contract that provided on the student Discord server (a link to which is also provided when you sign up for the paid tier). Some more perks of the paid tier are:
Getting to send one book of your choice during a designated point during the year to be signed by me for just the cost of shipping
Ability to skip any of my lines at conventions during the first fifteen minutes, sort of like the FastPass system at Disney!
So if you’ve ever thought about learning a bit more about how to write a comic and analyze other people’s work more thoughtfully, it’s never been a better time to sign up! Thanks again. Talk soon guys!
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